News & Announcement
Stay in touch with the newest updates and events in the Center
Support for Innovative Classes
MTPC provided support to create new learning possibilities. In Fall 2023, the Metaverse Design Thinking course (EMIA6500C) brought together students from Hong Kong and Guangzhou campuses in a shared metaverse space for the first time...
MTPC Co-offers “Introduction to Digital Media” (EMIA2200) in Spring 2024
A collaboration between DMCA and MTPC, the 13-week Introduction to Digital Media course (EMIA2200) covers a broad range of digital media topics and techniques...
Promoting HKUST’s Learning & Teaching Environment
Collaborating with ITSC, MTPC creates a series of videos to publicize the IT infrastructure on campus. They include the “Did You Know” campaign for Network Printer, HKUST WiFi...
“Imagination in Motion” Animation Showcase
To promote arts and culture on campus, MTPC’s Creative Media Zone organized the “Imagination in Motion”...
Creative Media Workshops
Recently, Creative Media Zone also hosted a series of workshops, such as "AI for Motion Imaging", "Stop-motion Animation"...