The HKUST Video Channel was developed for sharing HKUST videos to the University community and the general public. Since its release in 2008, the Channel has become one of the most comprehensive platforms for streaming videos of HKUST to promote teaching and learning, research and publicity. The Channel contains over 5,000 videos produced by MTPC. It also has 20 thematic channels accessible via computers, tablets and mobile devices. To encourage video sharing, users who agree to post their videos online through the Channel will also enjoy a discount in their video production fee.

The HKUST Photo Gallery was created for sharing official University photos captured by MTPC. Selected images of events and activities are featured in the Gallery. Full sets of photos from individual events are also accessible by event owners with an access code provided by MTPC. The Photo Gallery is part of the “Photo Catalogue” managed by MTPC. It is a photo archive containing HKUST images captured since the University’s establishment. Users can contact MTPC staff if they want to find and use photos in the Photo Catalogue for their publications.

m.HKUST was developed by MTPC in 2009. It was the first university mobile app in Hong Kong, offering University news, events, courses, contact information, calendar and support useful functions such as Path Advisor and Campus VR. The app is available on both Apple App Store and Android Play free of charge. m.HKUST is regularly updated for the purposes of enriching its contents and functionality. Users are welcome to explore collaboration opportunities with MTPC to deliver their mobile content through m.HKUST.

MTPC adopts a “Create once, publish everywhere” strategy to extend the reach of University publications. All print publications designed and or printed by MTPC can be converted into web or flipbook formats for online access via multiple platforms and devices for free. Users can also send their publications in either print or electronic format to MTPC for digitization and online distribution through MTPC’s eBookshelf.