LED Display
- Deliver high-quality images that integrate with other display systems for maximum visual impact.
- Flexible and simple setup to fit for every occasion.
- Serve as a dynamic event backdrop screen to replace static and one-off backdrop.
Edge-blend Projection for Cyclorama
- Optimized for the architectural feature of the Shaw Auditorium to create maximum visual impact.
- Performed by two high resolution and brightness laser projectors.
- Support multi-screen, 3D projection and mapping capabilities.
Video Processing and Matrix System
- Multi video inputs/outputs signal routing and control, including the cyclorama display and LED wall, show relays in dressing rooms and lobby, local video recording switch, and online streaming.
- Edge blend features for projecting on curved surface like cyclorama.
- 3D mapping features, Picture in picture control, irregular surface projections.
- Support performances and digital media art requiring multiple and integrated visual displays.
Soundscape System for Immersive Audio
- Multi-channel Immersive Sound System Design.
- Capable of carrying the future sound production format (Spatial or positional audio).
- Surround sound capabilities for theatre productions (moving/controllable sound source).
- Capable of adapting Dolby Atmos format to turn the auditorium into a Dolby Atmos Cinema.
Audio Equipment
- Mixing Console:
Yamaha CL5
- Wireless microphones:
Shure ULX series
- Loudspeaker system:
D&B Audiotechnik Line-array System
Lighting Equipment
- Main Console:
- Main Lighting Fixtures:
ETC Source Four CE LED Series 2, Chauvet Ovation series
- Moving Head Light:
Robe DL4S series
- Follow Spots:
Robert Juliat Alice 600W LED
- Video Recorder:
Blackmagic HyperDeck Studio Pro 2
- Wi-Fi Assisted Listening System:
Cambium Networks cnPilot/ Williams Sound WF R1